Vivo Surgical was at CHI INNOVATE Flagship Day 2022 on 4th November 2022.
Organised by the CHI – Centre for Healthcare Innovation, we had the opportunity to showcase our innovative medical device offerings and exchanged ideas with interested clinicians and partners.
On display at our booth were:
KLARO®, our in vivo surgical lighting device for use during deep cavity open surgeries, and
ENLYT™, our upcoming portable endoscope for imaging and screening applications:
In hospitals wards (for pre- and post-surgery inspections);
In ambulances and during house calls (for emergency response procedures); and
In GPs and polyclinics (for primary care level screening procedures).
Specifically for ENLYT™, we hope to work together with primary care providers (GPs, polyclinics, etc) to increase grassroots level access for nasopharyngeal cancer screening and diagnosis.
For more information on the CHI programme, visit:
#CHIINNOVATE #CHIINNOVATE2022 #chiinnnovationsg #theCHIfactor #healthcare #colearning #innovation #innovationimpact #vivosurgical #klaro #invivo #surgical #lighting #solution #retractorloop #medical #medicaldevice #medicine #surgery #operatingroom #operatingtheatre #medtech #surgicaltechnology #surgicallight #innovation #enlyt #endoscopy #screening #nasopharngeal #cancer #primarycare #screeening #diagnosis #imaging #singhealth #polyclinics #singhealthpolylinics #nhg #nhgp #nhgig #tantocksenghospital #ttshnursing #healthiersg
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